Fashion & Art Meet Nature


Guyanese Designer, Darshanie Kistama is multi-talented and her works reflects her versatility. During a recent interview with the Guyana Times Sunday Magazine, the artist revealed that she currently working on pursuing a degree in “Fine Arts” at an overseas Art institute. “I feel that I am a lot better at working in more than one field of art rather than doing just painting and textile design. I am taking the opportunity to further enhance my skill, as well as learning a few more disciplines such as youth art education, photography, interior designs and much more,” she explained. The young Guyanese artist revealed too that, once she has completed her studies, she aspires to open an Art School of her own. “I can be able to give back to my community by teaching what I learnt to the younger generations,” Darshanie said.

Darshani Kistama was among veteran Guyanese artists exhibiting their artwork at Castellani House, last year , during the exhibition titled Ganga Ship 1917: The Long Journey”. It was her inaugural exhibition at the art gallery. Darshani displayed artistic paintings, drawings, saris and beautifully hand-painted bottles.
She is inspired by nature and her “commitment” to her religion, which is a central theme in most of her art. She continues to encourage young and aspiring artists to “paint what you feel; everyone may have their own different techniques and skills, which makes them unique at what they do, but stay true to yours; do not give in to discouragement and always try to excel yourself in whatever form of art you wish to pursue”.

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